
8 Funniest Short Stories guaranteed to make you laugh

These 8 funniest short stories are guaranteed to make you laugh. These funny stories will make everyone laugh out loud, relax and reduce stress. “Laughter is the best medicine. Let’s laugh together!

1. The funny story #1 – Car Robbery

An old woman with white hair drove her car to the store to shop for some groceries. When she got there, she parked her car in the parking lot and headed into the store. She leisurely browsed the aisles picking out the groceries she needed, and after about an hour she was finally done with her shopping. 

With many bags of groceries, she walked outside toward the parking lot heading to her car.  Suddenly, she saw 4 strange men sitting inside her car. Without a minute of thinking, she immediately dropped all the grocery bags. 

She searched and took out a gun from her bag. She approached the 4 men and  bravely yelled out loud, “ I have a gun in my hand and I know how to use it for a good purpose. Get out of the car! Idiots!.”  The 4 men did not wait for her to repeat her words twice. They quickly got out of the car and ran away crazily to save their lives. They were nowhere to be found.

The old woman still felt terrified.  Her heart was racing and her hands were shaking. She picked up her grocery bags and put them inside the car and got into the driver’s seat. Because she was still not calm, her hands were so shaking so much that she could not put her key in the ignition.

She took several deep breaths to calm herself down and tried to insert the keys in the ignition but to no avail. The keys just would not fit in the ignition! 

In desperation, she looked around and saw an amazing sight. There, in the adjacent parking spot was her car! 

She  moved all the grocery bags into her car and drove to the nearby police station. At the police station, she told the sergeant the story. He  laughed and laughed and then pointed his finger to the reception area where 4 men with scared faces were reporting how an old woman with white hair robbed their car!

2. The funny story #2 – Untrustworthy

The hospital was in an uproar. A patient had run away from the operating room and everyone was searching for him. Finally they found the patient trembling inside a closet. They took him to the chief doctor of the hospital. The doctor helped the patient to calm down and gently asked  “Are you okay? We were about to perform a surgery on you. Why did you run away from the operating room?”

The patient looked up at the doctor and said, “The operation was about to begin when the nurse said “Please do not panic. Appendectomy is the simplest of surgeries””

The doctor replied, “ It’s true, isn’t it?”

The patient explained, “ Yes, it is. But the nurse was not talking to me. She was talking to the young doctor who was holding the scalpel and about to use it on me.” 

3. The funny story #3 – What’s wrong with the baby?

There was a baby and a woman. The baby still needed milk breast feeding. The baby was fed with breast milk normally, but somehow compared to other babies his age, he was smaller. 

So the woman decided to take him to the hospital for a check up. 

At the hospital, the woman was holding the baby and patiently waited in the long line for their turn. After a while their turn came and the doctor called them in. 

The doctor asked them to sit on the patient’s chair and asked them how he could help. 

The woman said “I don’t know what is wrong with this baby. He drinks milk normally, but he doesn’t seem to be growing”

The doctor thought about this and said “hmm, let me check the baby to see what’s wrong.”

He gave the baby a full check up, but could not figure out what was wrong with the baby. 

The doctor said: “umh, it’s strange. I could not find anything wrong. He seems normal.”

The woman seemed more worried. 

So she asked the doctor: “Doctor, could you please carefully check the baby one more time? I am really worried that he is not getting bigger”

So the doctor checked the baby again, but still could not see any issue with the baby. 

Then, after some deep thought, he turned to the woman and asked: “Could you please open the shirt, so that I can check you up?”

The woman took off her shirt buttons and let the doctor do the checkup.

The doctor took a quick look and it seemed that he figured out the issue.

He shouted: “Right! That’s it! Mystery solved! That’s why the baby cannot grow.“

Immediately, the woman with her eyes opened wide,  asked the doctor “ Why doctor? Why?”

The doctor said: “ No milk. There is no milk. So how can he grow?”

The woman then said : “ Right.I’m his grandma. Of course, I have no milk.” 

4. The funny story #4 – The Ghost Bus

In the early morning in India, a man got on the bus and went to work. He was so excited for the day because it was his first day at work at his new job. So, he worked very hard and it was late in the evening before he left work. 

He tried to hurry up to catch the last bus. After a pretty long day at work, he felt super tired. Right after he got on the bus and sat down on a seat, he fell asleep. After napping for a while, he woke up. And he felt cold and it was so dark.

 He realized that nobody was on the bus, not even one passenger. He did not even see the bus driver. However, the bus was still moving!

 A shiver ran down his spine. Something was not normal. He started yelling, “Ghost, Ghost, Ghost, help me, help me.” 

He then heard a loud voice “Are you going to keep yelling or are you going to help us push the bus?“ The bus had broken down in the middle of the road. The driver and a few passengers were pushing it from behind to move it off the road!

5. The funny story #5 – The Worst Day Ever

A man with a saddened face was sitting at a bar. There was a glass of wine before him. It was his favorite vintage. However,  he did not drink it, but kept staring at it  as if he wanted to immerse himself in it. 

A high spirited young man walked in and sat next to the man. The young man suddenly slapped the man on his back. He picked up the man’s glass of wine and drank it quickly. 

The young man saw the man’s eyes open wide. The man looked so astonished that he could not even speak a word. 

Hurriedly, he young man said, “  C’mon man, don’t cry. I just want to play with you a little bit. Don’t take it seriously. I’ll order another glass for you right now.”

The man explained, “You do not understand. Today is the worst day of my life and nothing is happening like I want it to. You know?”

The young man said, “ How could I know if you don’t tell me. Tell me then.”

The man explained, “ This morning, I got up and went to work late. I missed the deadline for the project I was working on. My angry boss got mad and fired me. When I got out of the office, I found out my car was being towed away. So I took an Uber  to go home. When I got home, my girlfriend broke up with me because I had no money left. So, wanting to make a lot of money, I went to a casino. At the casino, I lost all the money that I borrowed from my credit card. I left home again and decided to end my life. But, I came to this bar. I ordered my favorite wine and added some poison in it. When you came in, you drank it before I could. Now I can’t even die like I wanted to!” 

6. The funny story #6 – Seeking a Remedy for Love

A young man was walking at the beach one day. He noticed an old couple, with white hair, holding hands and calling each other sweet things like darling, honey and so on. They seemed so happy with each other and so deeply in love. Having been through several failed relationships, he was very eager to know how they were still in love at such a ripe old age.

The young man politely introduced himself to the old couple, “Hello, I am sorry to bother you, but I cannot help hearing you calling each other “my darling, my sweetheart, my honey, my baby and so on. I have had many failed relationships in the past and I would really like to understand the secret to your love for each other”

The old man again looked deeply at the young man’s eyes. He also looked at his old lady, then looked at the young man again and said “Well, to tell you the truth, we do not have any secrets. For many years now, I could not remember my wife’s name anymore. So that is why, I have to call her my darling, my sweetheart, my honey, my baby and my lady.”  The old lady winked at the young man and said “me too!”.

7. The funny story # 7 – Customer is Always Right

A young man was hired as a customer service assistant. He was so excited for his first job. On the first day of starting the new job,  he got up early and dressed nicely in order to make a good impression on his boss and his coworkers.  He was proud of himself that he was chosen for the position. So he certainly put his best effort for the company. In a moment, the young man saw a client who walked toward him and asked for help. The young man was eager to help the client.

From a short distance, the boss seemed upset when he saw the young man and the client disagreed on some things. So the boss requested the young man to come into his office for a talk. 

The boss raised his voice to the young man. “ I told you many times that the customer is always right. “Customer is always right” is  the company’s slogan and everyone needs to work towards it. 

The young man politely replied to the boss, “ Sir, because the client said that he made a mistake. He kept insisting that he was wrong. Then, I kept insisting that he is always right.”

8. The funny story # 8 – A Bank Robbery

A group of 4 men made a plan to change their lives, so they went to rob a bank. It was an unexpected bank robbery which happened in the local area. Everybody at the bank was so shocked and terrified. The group of robbers with covering faces and armed weapons seized all the bank employees. One of the staff was screaming loudly when she heard a gunshot. The main robber yelled out loud and asked her not to scream unless she wanted to die. 

The robbers packed all the money they got and left the bank quickly. 

Right away when the group of robbers got out of the bank, the bank manager called the police for help. Per the bank manager’s request,  3 supervisors worked with him so that they could figure out how much the bank got robbed and reported to the police officer. 

The robbers fastly escaped. They hid at a secret place. The boss robber asked his team to check the money which they robbed from the bank. One of the robbers suggested that they could wait for the news reporting how much the bank got robbed. Then, they would know how much they got from the bank robbery.

 The robbers saw the local news which reported that the bank was robbed of 1 million by the group of unidentified robbers. The robbers were so excited that they robbed 1 million. 

On the other hand, the bank manager asked his subordinates to keep the secret about the $700,000 that they borrowed last month, but reported that $700,000 lost to the total 1million stolen by the robbers. The bank manager wished the robbers could come every month. 

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