
Best foods for brain health: choices for your brain power

Best foods for brain health: food choices for your brain power. Choosing the best foods for brain health is how to keep you well. 

According to Dr. Liz Applegate’s lecture at UC Davis Health System’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center in 2016,  at childhood by the age of 6, people’s brain is at 95% adult weight and produces twice the neurons. At adulthood around age 22 -27, the brain is at peak power. The brain power declines after the age of 27. As a result, a 3.6% memory, reasoning and comprehension loss occurs by age 45-49. By the age of 80,  brain shrinkage significantly decreases cognitive abilities. 

Data shows that 47 million people are with Alzheimer disease or a related form of dementia in the world in 2015. That number is expected to increase to 75 million in 2030 and 132 million in 2050, with about 9.9 million new cases every year. Over 6 million people have Alzheimer disease in the United States. The disease kills more people than  breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. 

Is there a cure for Alzheimer?

Even though many pharma companies have been trying to develop novel drugs to treat Alzheimer’s, there is no cure for it currently. Recently, the FDA approved Biogen’s aducanumab for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. However, experts say  that it is too early to  tell whether aducanumab is a cure for the disease. 

Which foods are best for your brain?

Fatty fish keep your brain healthy

Fish contains a rich source of minerals, vitamin D, B12 and omega-3 fatty acids which keep your heart and brain healthy. The role of omega-3 fatty acids in brain health and aging is vital. It improves neuronal health, reduces brain cellular inflammation.  An analysis of over 7,700 participants showed that a higher fish intake is associated with a better brain function and slower mental decline. Also, a 2017 study of over 540 schoolchildren found that higher fish consumption is related to reduced sleep disturbance, higher quality sleep and higher IQ scores.  

Omega-3 fatty acid is found in most fish, however, there is more of it in fatty fishes. According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration’s advice about eating fish, you should eat low mercury content fish such as salmon, sardines, pullocks, trout, catfish and so on. On the other hand, try not to eat large tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, shark and tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico which contain high mercury levels. You can also find omega-3 fatty acids in other seafood such as oyster, shrimp, squid, clam, crab,scallop, cod and so on. 

How much fish should you eat?

You should eat 8-12 ounces per week of a variety of low mercury fish. The FDA suggests that pregnant women should eat at least 8 ounces of a variety of low mercury fish to benefit fetal growth and brain development. 

Green leafy vegetables slow overall brain function decline with aging

According to the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2017 study, 90% of American adults do not intake sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and collards are rich in vitamin K1(important in blood coagulation), lutein (an anti-inflammatory), folate (vitamin B9 which helps the body produce red blood cells), α-tocopherol (vitamin E which boosts the immune system and prevents cell damage) and kaempferol (an antioxidant) and so on. 

A study in 2017 of 960 participants aged 58-99 showed that the consumption of green leaves and foods ( at least 1 serving per day) slows brain function decline with aging. Also,  a 2020 study of over 350 participants found that lower vegetable consumption is related to poorer overall brain function such as movements, navigation, attention, making decisions and so on. 

How much vegetables should you eat?

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, depending on your ages and gender, you should eat at least 1-2 cups of green leafy vegetables or 1-3 cups of a variety of vegetables per day. 

Berries improve brain functions 

A 2017 study of over 35 participants aged 60-75 shows that higher quantity of blueberry consumption improves brain function amongst older adults. In addition, a 2021 study of over 70 adults aged 60-75 found that strawberry diets improve cognitive abilities, particularly navigation tasks and word recognition. 

Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, black berries and raspberries contain a powerful source of antioxidants (vitamin A, C and flavonoids), vitamin K, folate, potassium and many other minerals. Many studies have suggested that berry diet  reduces inflammation and chronic diseases. Consuming berries can bring you many health benefits.

How many berries should you eat?

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, you should eat 1 cup of fresh or frozen berries or 1⁄3 cup of dried berries. 

Mediterranean diet  improves brain health

Mediterranean diet is the traditional way of eating in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Studies suggest that Mediterranean diet benefits your overall health including improving brain health and preventing chronic diseases. A 2010 analysis of over 3,700 individuals aged 65 and above shows that the Mediterranean diet may decrease the rate of brain function decline with aging. 

What is the Mediterranean diet?

There is no specific formula for Mediterranean diet. However, the components of Mediterranean diet includes daily consumption of 3-9 servings of vegetables, a half – 2 servings of fruits, 1-13 servings of cereals (whole grains) and up to 8 servings of olive oil. Mediterranean diets also include the daily consumption of whole grain pasta and bread,  beans, nuts, legumes, seeds, herbs and spices; regular consumption (at least 2 times per week) of fish and seafood; moderate portion of poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt; less intake of red meat and sweet; moderate intake of red wine and mainly drinking water. The daily diet has about 2,221 kilocalories that contains 18% monounsaturated fat (healthy fat) and 9% of saturated fat (unhealthy fat) and 33g of fibre. 

The other vital lifestyle aspect of the Mediterranean diet is sharing meals with family and friends and being physically active. 

Which foods are bad for your brain?

Many studies and analysis show that a high saturated and trans fat intake is associated with brain disorder. In addition, studies show that a high alcohol consumption increases the risk of loss of memory. A 2015 analysis of over 40,400 participants indicated that frequent alcohol intake increased the risk of memory loss and dementia diseases. 

Typically, it is so hard to resist sugary, buttery and cheesy foods and toxic beverages.  However, you should choose to consume healthy foods that benefit your health. 

Lists of unhealthy foods which you should limit in your diet

– Sugar drinks such as soda, other sugary beverages, diet soda and drinks with artificial sweeteners, syrups.

– Refined carbohydrates including a high level of sugar and processed foods such as white flour, sweets.

– High trans fat foods such as margarine and frosting, ready made cakes, prepackaged cookies, dairy products with high butter content and full-fat cheeses, bottled dressings, marinades and other processed foods

– Red meats and high-fat meats

– High mercury level fish such as shark, swordfish, ahi tuna, king mackerel and other big fishes

– Alcohol and other beverages with a high alcohol level 

What to eat?

You can choose your diet based on your age, height, weight, gender and your health condition. You can find how much you need from each food group and make a healthy eating plan by following the U.S Department of Agriculture recommendations. Check out the website:  What is MyPlate?  

Lists of foods for your daily diet

Fruits: 1 cup of fresh fruits or ½ cup of dried fruits, such as berries, apple, grapes, banana, kiwi, pineapple, plum, papaya, dates, and other fruits. 

Vegetables: 1-3 cups of a variety of vegetables such as green leaf vegetables, broccoli, spinach, kale; red and orange vegetables such as carrot, orange/red pepper, pumpkin, sweet potato; beans, peas and lentils; starchy vegetables, corn, green peas, plantains, potatoes, onions, mushrooms and other vegetables.

Protein: generally 1 ounce equivalent of protein, such as 1 ounce of low mercury fish and other seafood, low-fat meat, poultry; 1 egg; ½ ounce nuts and seeds, ¼ ounce of beans/peas/lentils. 

Whole grain: 1 ounce equivalent of whole grain, such as 1 slice of bread or cornbread, ½ cup of cooked rice, cooked pasta or cooked oatmeal and other whole grain versions. 

Dairy products: generally 1 cup of low-fat or fat-free dairy products, such as 1 cup of milk, yogurt, and 1 ½ ounce of cheese.

Herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, cayenne, pepper and other spices.  

What to drink?

Green tea is a brain healthy beverage. 

Massive studies show that green tea has beneficial effects on brain health. The caffeine in green tea boosts your alertness. L-theanine improves relaxation, calmness and reduces tension. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine in green tea enhances your attention and memory. 

Data also suggest that inflammatory properties and antioxidants – polyphenols in green tea may reduce the rate of brain function decline; decrease the risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. 

How many cups of tea should you drink per day?

An 8 ounce cup of green tea contains 30-50 milligram of caffeine. According to a Webmd source on green tea, you can drink up to 8 cups of green tea per day. However, due to caffeine content in green tea,  you may experience some side effects such as headache, nervousness, dizziness, heartburn, sleep issues, and so on if you drink more than 8 cups of green tea per day. 

Cocoa and chocolate from cocoa beans have potential benefits for brain health

Dark chocolate consumption improves brain functions and enhances memory. The Flavonoid component found in chocolate has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Many studies show that the flavonoid compound in chocolate has a clear effect on enhancement of cognitive functions and navigation tasks. Also, the flavonoid  in chocolate has been shown to improve long term memory

How much chocolate should you eat per day?

Experts suggest eating 1.6 ounces of dark chocolate (containing at least 75% of chocolate ) per day to promote your overall health. 

Coffee/caffeine is associated with reducing the rate of brain dysfunction.

Studies show that lifelong coffee consumption has a positive effect on brain health. Caffeine contained in coffee has been shown to prevent brain function decline, decrease the risk of stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Alzhermer’s disease. 

How many cups of coffee should you drink per day?

According to The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), healthy adults can drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day, about 400 milligram per day. However, you may experience side effects such as insomnia, headache, anxiousness, fast heart rate, a feeling of unhappiness and so on if you drink more than the suggested amount. An 8 ounce of coffee contains about 80-100 milligram of caffeine, decaffeinated coffee about 2-15 milligram. The FDA also associated negative effects such as seizures with a high amount of caffeine consumption of about 1,200 milligram of caffeine or 0.15 tablespoon of pure caffeine. Two deaths in the United States were reported in the last several years with the association of significantly high consumption of caffeine. 

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with medical concerns and children are recommended to consult with a health advisor before consuming coffee/caffeine.  

Grape juice supplemented with natural grape extract prevents brain function decline. 

Studies suggest that drinking grape juice supplemented with red grape polyphenol extract boosts antioxidant enzymes and prevents brain dysfunction. Polyphenols contained in red grapes reduce genes causing inflammation and oxidation in the brain; they also increase genes that protect the brain against oxidative stress, loss of functions and cell death. 

How much grape juice should you drink?

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture data of grape juice content, a box/pouch 6.75 fl oz (209 g) contains about 29.7g of sugar. Therefore, you should drink grape juice in moderation. The excess sugar level from high consumption of grape juice may have an adverse impact on your health. 

Red wine may have a positive impact on your brain health

While a high alcohol consumption may increase the risk of your overall health physically and cognitively, studies suggest that a moderate intake of red wine can improve your cognitive and mental health including positive effects on Alzhemer’s disease. Similar to red grape polyphenols in grape juice, polyphenols contained in red wine act as an antioxidant preventing the brain from inflammatory processes. However, a long-term high intake of alcoholic beverages may have adverse impacts on your health. 

How much red wine should you drink per day?

According to Mayo Clinic’s recommendation of red wine consumption in moderation for healthy adults, women of all ages and men of age 65 and above can have 1 drink ( 5 ounces or 148 millimeters) of red wine a day. Men of age 65 and under can drink 1-2 drinks a day. 

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with medical concerns and children should not drink alcohol. 

How to stay healthy?

Eating healthy needs to be combined with staying active mentally and physically in order to keep you healthy. Mind and body interact. Extensive studies have shown the connection between mind and body. 

Staying active to preserve brain health

Choose good foods to keep you healthy. Also, being physically active is important. Typically, you do not have to go to the gym or have a personal trainer to help you work out. Simply, you should keep being active with normal daily activities such as walking your pets, taking care of the garden, cleaning your home, doing some simple exercises at home and so on. In addition, you can practice yoga and meditation. Research shows that yoga and meditation is a powerful combination, benefiting practitioners mentally and physically.

Try to spend time with nature. You can simply walk around parks. Importantly, you should get enough sleep and get quality sleep. Also, avoid toxic substances that harm your body and your brain health.  Always love and nurture your body and your mind.

Questions and Answers – Best foods for brain health: food choices for your brain power

1. Are these food groups only good for brain health?

These food groups are not only good for your brain, but also for your overall health. However, the diet plans may vary due to your age, height, weight, gender, medical conditions and weather conditions.

2. How much do you need from each food group?

Your diet plan depends on your age, height, weight, gender, medical conditions and weather conditions.  

You can find out how much you need from each food group and create a healthy eating plan with information from the U.S Department of Agriculture’s website:  What is MyPlate?  

Basically, in your daily meals, you should include a variety of vegetables and fruits, low mercury fish and whole grains; limit red meat and high-fat dairy products. Eat healthy fat (monounsaturated fat) such as fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds and limit unhealthy fat (saturated fat) such as high fat red meat, margarine and frostings, high fat butter and cheese, etc.

3. What is the Mediterranean diet?

Generally, Mediterranean diet includes : 

– daily consumption of plenty of vegetables and fruits

– bread, whole grains, pasta and rice in everyday meals

– daily consumption of dairy products, mainly yogurt and cheese

– regular consumption of fish and other seafood

– moderate consumption of red meat, poultry and eggs

– occasionally eating sweets, cakes and dairy desserts 

– drinking mainly water

– drinking red wine in moderation and with meals

– being physically active everyday

4 thoughts on “Best foods for brain health: choices for your brain power

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